Thursday, 25 October 2012

Strongest Man

Yesterday room 2 went to the amphitheatre after morning tea to see a special guest. While we were waiting for the special guest a person spoke to the school and told us who the special guest was.He told us to shout out the special guest's name ,"Levi".

Levi of Mitre ten came out of the staffroom. Levi had huge muscles like rocks Levi also had tattoos one of the tattoos looked like a dragon.He had a mow hawk. Firstly, Levi talked about his childhood. Then he spoke about how much he eats. He eats porridge with a chopped banana, 15 eggs and half a kilo of chicken. Levi can also pull a tractor weighing more than seven elephants.

Levi told us that he was the only one person that had been in 13 strongest man competitions.He also told us that our dreams can come true if we try.

I hope I can follow my dreams like Levi.